2011년 9월 3일 토요일

As a Writer.

Good Writing is an effective way of conveying one's thoughts and emotions in a very powerful, charimatic method. It is a collaboration of diverse strategies such as locating the right diction, choosing the adequate tone, and revising the sentence & paragraph strucutre. Such stretegic arrangement of words differs from person to person and this lets the readers to obeserve the individual features that the writing contains. As for me, my writings were never satisfactory. Whether the problem is related with the contents, grammar or vocabularies, they always left me the room for more improvement
My surrounding environment keep pushies me to become a better writer, and reach the highest of the given standards. Since Middle school and up till now, luckily I had an opportunity to study with the most gifted students all over Korea. When it came to knowledge and skills, there was always at least one friend who had an admiring talent that I constantly wanted to catch up. Writing skills was a no exception. The first time I realized that I had to improve on my writing was during peer editing time at school. In classes or during summer writing camps, I compared my writings with those of my friends and found many things that I had to keep in mind. Grammar, Style, Structure or choosing the right diction; these are the facts that still need lots of improvements and I’m willing to put my best effort on advancing my writing skills as it is my long-term goal.
To introduce my writing style in one word, it would be ‘Scholar-like’ or ‘Academic’. To help you understand what this means, I chose my term paper as the first writing to be posted. As you can see, it is not a kind paper which is filled with wordy expressions but words and sentences that are straight to the point. Common thing about this type of writers is that their writings are comparably harder to read than the others. Also, the writers usually have the knowledge beyond what it appears in their writing. This means I put more time on my writings compared to my peers, which might be serious problem in the future because fast organization of your thoughts is also a requirement to become a good writer. But as for now, I believe that investing my time on my writings is very essential. “Practice makes perfect” is a cliché that every writer has to keep in mind especially the type of writers such as myself. Hard work and strict time-scheduling is the only way that I can enhance my level of writing.
A piece of writing is one of the easiest ways of showing who you are. It is very similar to your facial expressions since they both are not very easy to hide. Whether you have intended or not, your ideologies, sense of values or political stance all dissolves into one, creating a group of ideas that represents yourself. Indubitably, this was the reason why I became so interested on advancing my writing. Better writing meant that the reader can grasp a clear and strong impression of me which can lead to more willing consents toward my writing.
 But simple concurrence of opinions and feelings is not the only thing that I pursue in my writing. Gaining people’s trust by my writing is my ultimate goal. It would be great to have the ability to make other people convinced which could, in the near future, provide me the opportunity to share opinions about serious, yet interesting topics with many others.

댓글 1개:

  1. You write very effectively, and I like your style. I was able to breeze through your points without redoubling back, and that is a common mistake many writers commit by offering more than needed.

    I like your point about learning from other writers. A competitive writing environment where you want to push yourself is what I hope the blog system can achieve. People will read your work, and Mr. Johnson told me today that he'd visited. He'd like you to credit Mr. Gandhi for the powerful quote in your title. I really like the Mahatma BTW.

    Another thing I suggest is to increase your font size, and/or widen the blog space here in the Template Design feature. It's really hard to see such a small font in a small space.

    As well, try to include the odd picture. What could you post to accompany the morning exercise essay to add context? Great job so far.
